Amanda Savage

About Amanda Savage & the ProPelvic Blog

Hi.  I am Amanda Savage, a specialist pelvic floor physiotherapist and experienced Pilates teacher.  I write the articles on to offer a few extra tricks and tips to our active PhysioPilates Academy pupils and our wider community of previous pupils and pilates fans.

I write wearing three different hats. I have my ‘lots of studying & experience of anatomy/function/rehab’ Pelvic Health Physiotherapy hat, I have my eagle-eyed Pilates Instructor one and I also wear the hat of a ’50-something woman/mum who needs to do pilates regularly herself otherwise she would have backache, poor posture and a much bigger bottom!

So sometimes I get really technical and a bit teachery-physio about technique and muscles and breathing and accuracy – all the pedantic detail that makes Pilates what it is and why Physios think it so good for you.  Sometimes I’m writing just as a passionate Pilates teacher (all Pilates teachers get very passionate) trying to help you to be graceful, effective, motivated to look after yourself, and challenged to improve.  Then sometimes I just write the thoughts I have had as a ‘real’ person who does Pilates and wonders about this & that and the point of things or inspired by all of my wonderful class pupils and the unexpected little conversations and questions that we have in class.

I hope the connection between these worlds comes through in these postings to make this a useful read with interesting and rewarding insights to improve your Pilates practice and your own health and well-being.   With your feedback and comments, it would be fun to grow this blog to be a great resource for many people.  Please do join in the conversations!

5 thoughts on “About Amanda Savage & the ProPelvic Blog”

  1. Dear Amanda, Congratulations! What a superb new website. Can’t wait to read all your blogposts – and my rusty body is longing for the next Pilates session 🙂 !

    1. Dear Jutta. Thank you for having a peek at the new site – so glad you like it. Your knowledge, wisdom and encouragement with all things website and small business are invaluable! See you at Pilates. Amanda

  2. Amanda
    What a perfect combination of hats to select from when writing about your subject. I look forward to reading more and getting better focus on my Pilates practice. Lovely crisp, clear website revamp – congratulations!

  3. A ever, your clarity of thought carries through to your lovely descriptions, great new website – good job! Will be really useful to me, really looking forward to your next blogs.

  4. I love this website Amanda – well done.
    The video reference, table top exercise, was very informative – this movement exercise along with the “Plank” are so often incorrectly performed, it is very useful and helpful to see how it should be carried out.

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