Who’s looking after the chicken?


In the early days of a newborn baby there is an awful lot to think about for the newly hatched egg.  However, don\’t forget,  every day, to stop and think about the chicken.   Who is going to look after the egg properly if the chicken is tired, weak, undernourished and sore?

For a truly happy family, new mothers, and especially their recently wonderfully used bodies need some love and attention too.


Take the baby out in the pram for a pacy 20 minute walk.  Breathe deeply, stand tall and hold your tummy in.  Walk so that you hear your heels clicking (this makes your bottom muscles pert), and go fast enough that you couldn’t talk.   Baby exposed to sunlight to help regulate their sleep cycles – tick.  Posture and core muscles woken up – tick.  Cardio-vascular exercise – tick!

Do you respect your body and your own needs?  What did you do today for yourself?  What could you do to feel stronger and fitter?  

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