Pilates to strengthen wrists?
It’s cold and slippy out there! January is the month to use Pilates to strengthen wrists!
We were laughing the other day about the subtlety of language. The day will come (!) when we will claim to have “fallen over” but we will hear our friends and family sympathetically telling others that we “had a fall”.
Many a word said in jest. Wrist fractures are second only to hips. Women’s bone strength declines after menopause, with the loss of oestrogen. In women, the incidence of distal radius fracture rises from a premenopausal baseline of 10 per 10,000 population per year to a peak of 120 per 10,000 population per year over 85 years. Gentlemen – your bones also age! In men, the fracture incidence gradually increased from 10 per 10,000 before 65 years to 33 per 10,000 after 85 years.
Most wrist injuries occur when people fall onto an outstretched hand. Most commonly during a sport or after a trip or slip.
Don’t be smug about your youth. Life is complicated with only one useful hand. I took a tumble on the tennis court a couple of years ago. A suspected fracture still meant a wrist splint for 3 weeks. It was very painful and very very life limiting. Couldn’t ride my bike, change gears in the car or wash my hair. Not worth the attempted volley!
I do think my Pilates-gained co-ordination and bone strength saved me from a nastier injury that day. So along with being sensible in this weather take some time to do weight-bearing hand/wrist/forearm tasks and exercises. Physio’s love functional exercises. One that clearly mimics saving yourself with an outstretched hand – or pushing your body weight up after a fall are ……planks.
If complete attention and committment is brought to the exercise, maximum profit will be acquired from each movement.” Joseph H. Pilates
Which Pilates exercises are good for both abs and to strengthen wrists? Planks!
But don’t be too hasty. Many people try to go straight to planks and end up:
a) demoralised by their lack of stamina
b) shocked by how much their bottom sinks (or sticks up in the air)
c) strained around the neck and shoulders area
d) with sore wrists
Today’s video guides you through stages from press up to plank to build up your wrist, arm, shoulders and abs in a steady progressive sequence. Don’t feel you have to get from start to finish in one session. Try it alternate days for a week going only as far as you are comfortable and you will be amazed by your quick improvement in strength.
This longer sequence challenges your core with press ups and planks. I will show you incremental changes to work from a easiest to hardest levels. Finish with some lovely cave-cobra stretches.
Weightbearing through your wrists will strengthen the bones and surrounding muscles and ligaments.
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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of my blogposts, articles and my videos are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents if you are not a face to face client of mine. Professional advice should be obtained before taking, or refraining from taking, any action as a result of the contents of this article. Amanda Savage disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article or video.
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Amanda x
Author: Amanda Savage, MCSP MSt (Cantab). Specialist Pelvic, Obstetric & Gynaecological Physiotherapist
© Amanda Savage, All Rights Reserved, 2021