PhysioPilates Academy
Imagine having a strong, lean & confident body?
- Get rid of back pain
- Improve bladder control
- Support pelvic organ prolapse
- Improve your posture
- Feel leaner, longer and more flexible
- Sleep well
- Become calm and confident
Our Team of Physiotherapists
- Get to know you personally to help you work at exactly the right level for you
- Give you expert guidance on correct techniques including pelvic floor & breathing.
- Give you confidence that you are doing your exercises correctly
- Coach pelvic floor and breathing techniques
- Show you careful progressions to protect you from overworking & injury
- Modify exercises for common conditions like prolapse, back or neck issues
NEW from September 2024: specialised 1:1 physiopilates sessions
We have an experienced MSK physio (muscles, joints, bones) and pilates instructor, Christiana Heinz, joining our team at the clinic – she will be offering specialist combined physio/pilates appointments on Tuesdays for those clients who have underlying issues wanting to use pilates for rehab or get back to doing regular pilates classes safely & effectively.
"One hour of pilates, once a week, changes your life. "
(Amanda Savage, Founder)

PhysioPilates Classes
Teach Yourself
We want everyone to love Pilates & get maximum benefit. We don't mind if you are not at one or our classes! Join our newsletter mailing list for weekly PhysioPilates tips & tricks
Online Learning
For expert teaching in the comfort of your own home. Join our online
PROPELVIC Pilates Classes Thursdays at 6pm or Saturday mornings 9.30am. Taught by specialist pelvic health physio Amanda Savage.
Hands-on Lessons
For hands-on correction by our expert team of physios, join one of our intimate in-person groups, held in both North & South Cambridge venues
Pilates Fans...
Online Classes
★★★★★ 5/5
Thank you so much for your fab lessons.
I've been stuck at home with Covid for the last 2 weeks so working out with you has made my day even my weekend.
You were born to be a Pilates teacher 🙂

Just to say how much I enjoyed today after a challenging week!
Your reminder to just focus on breathing and the mindfulness just before the relaxation was spot on for me this week as this is danger time for my mind to start racing on to jobs to do!!
Also the reminder about these are the exercises you need to dust the picture rail, change a lightbulb really helped my mind to focus on me.
Many thanks and 'see' you in a few weeks.
Emilyad hoc online class pupil
I wanted to take this opportunity to Thank You! Your classes have been invaluable for my health and flexibility as well as for my long term lower back issues I face. Thank you for your professionalism, kindness and greetings at the start of each class (though I tend to hide!).
BethSaturday online pupil
I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your classes! I am also loving the flexibility, no driving in the cold/dark and pretty much no excuse to turn up and have some pj pilates and as soon as the class is over I can go back to mum-ming. It has made such a difference mentally in allowing me to relax as I know that I'm right there if I'm needed!
So this is really just a big thank you from me!
MarySaturday online pupil
Newsletter & Videos
★★★★★ 5/5
Thanks Amanda, just did a Library class and it was yummy. Just what I need to escape the weather and news

I have just ordered another library series as it seems to work well doing pilates by our woodburner on cold evenings! I feel that you are regular visitor and even our labrador, Evie, recognises you and joins in your pilates class.
Janeprevious hall pupil
Thank you for your lovely supportive emails through the year.I enjoy them all. I do need to develop my glutes and thighs more though to keep my knees stable. I am told I walk further than I have the glutes for so cause some knee stress!
This season, video 2 "stripey" I have found helpful.
Like them all though and your mini videos.
Thanks again
SueNewsletter reader
Thank you for all your very helpful emails and this one certainly hits the spot! You can read my mind!
Pamnewsletter reader
Thank you so much for your interesting and so very useful newsletters . I feel very privileged to have access to your advice and support.
Helennewsletter reader
Physio-led Hall classes
★★★★★ 5/5
Please say a big thank you to Susanne for another year of mind and body health. It makes such a huge difference to me, even if only once a week.
Have a fabulous summer, you’ve earned it for running an adaptive, always there for us company. You are wonderful.
Best wishes

YouTube Videos
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